
The best document creation and management solution available for companies sending thousands/tens of thousands of invoices per month.

One of our MakeLeaps consultants can look at your current invoicing processes, and help you set up an automated system that allows for the automatic, error-free creation of thousands of invoices in a single click.  Once the invoices are created, they can be automatically sent to your customers using MakeLeaps Secure Send.

Alternatively, if you have programmers in-house, it’s possible to setup and use MakeLeaps completely independently. We’re also available to support your staff to help them understand and implement MakeLeaps so you can enjoy the available time/money savings.


Automatic Mass-Invoice Creation

MakeLeaps offer mass-invoice creation through our API, or through importing your invoices by a file. It’s possible to have  your own programmers generate this file, or we’re available to work with your accounts department to help you auto-generate invoices on a real-time, daily, weekly or monthly basis.



Secure Send: The Best Way To Send Your Clients Invoices

Secure Send is the best way to send invoices. It offers a high level of security, is eco-friendly, doesn’t leave a carbon trail, and offers the best possible experience for your customers.


High Security

We treat your data very seriously. Here are some of the ways we protect your data:

  • We use SSL to secure your data, ensuring that all the data transmitted between you and us is encrypted and safe.
  • We utilise high security data centers, with 24 hour monitoring.
  • We use firewalls on our servers to protect against intrusion.
  • We backup your data regularly to our secure servers.
  • We use industry standard security methods and best practices, such as PBKDF2 salted password hashing, secure cookies, CSRF, XSS, SQL injection and clickjacking protection.

For a free demonstration of MakeLeaps and further information on how you can use cloud systems to reduce costs and improve efficiency, please either Sign Up or request more information about MakeLeaps.

All MakeLeaps accounts come standard with all of the features listed on the Feature Page