Excel Japanese Invoice Template

We’ve put together an Japanese Invoice Template in Excel for you to use, if you need to create or send an invoice in Japanese.

We’ve also prepared a list of translations to help you get the right information into your Excel Template. The words which appear on Japanese invoices are specific to Japan, and are used in a specific way. The template available down the bottom has all of these words arranged in a clear and easy to understand way, and the table below will help you get the correct information into your invoice.


Japanese WordRomaji / PronounciationEnglish Translation
顧客名kokyakumeiYour Customer’s Name
株式会社kabushikigaishaJapanese Share Limited Company
請求書番号seikyushobangoInvoice Number
支払期日shiharaikijitsuPayment Deadline
ご担当者gotantoushaCompany Representative
御社名onshameiYour Company’s Name
単価tankaUnit Price
小計shoukeiA Subtotal
消費税額shouhizeigakuConsumption Tax Amount
合計金額goukeikingakuSum Total Amount
振込先furikomisakiBank Transfer Destination
口座名義kouzameigiBank Account Name

Download Template

Please click here to download the Japanese Excel Invoice Template.